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Mary Lou Manizer-Review

Recently, a very kind person on twitter-@glowkjt- told me that if I got 150 retweets, she would purchase me the Mary Lou Manizer. Somehow, I managed to get those retweets, and as promised, she got me the highlighter with two other products as she was a bit late in getting it, which was so sweet of her.

The Mary Lou Manizer, by The Balm, retails for £17.50 for 8.5g. It is described as a honey-hued lumanizer and it claims that it "diffuses light so your skin looks softer and younger while adding a subtle glow." The packaging is very sturdy, and it clicks shut which is always nice. It has a very basic look, silver packaging with a sticker on the lid of a mugshot of a blonde pouty woman named Mary. It also has a very good mirror, which is handy for traveling.

Now onto the actual highlighter. I was worried that it may be too dark for my pale skin, however, it turned out to be just right. It gives a very nice gold glow, which gives you a very healthy look. It looks very smooth on the face, and it has no glitter in it. If used with a light hand, it can give a very sheer glow, however it can be built up very easily to give a stronger glow. Whichever you decide to do, they are both very beautiful on the skin.

Overall, I think this highlighter is a must-have. It gives the most beautiful look to the skin, and you'll be getting compliments all day long. Although it is quite expensive, I definitely think this highlighter is worth it.

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